Do you love food?


Do you love food? Ok, that’s kind of a silly question, but what’s your answer?  Do you love food?  All food or just specific foods?  I’ve always loved food, generally gravitating towards the sweet things. My mom is an amazing cook and baker, so I grew up making cookies with her and trying all kinds of new recipes over the years. As a teen I loved to bake cinnamon rolls, they were my absolute fave, I even considered them my specialty! I still love a good cinnamon roll… Food is more than just food But food is not just food, [...]

Do you love food?2020-09-30T05:43:21-07:00

You Are The Kind of Person who has Healthy Habits!


You are the kind of person who has healthy habits Healthy habits. Those words may conjure up feelings of guilt or perhaps feelings of pride - but how are healthy habits built? Can they be maintained long term?   In short, all habits are built on repetitive behaviours. No moral judgement attached. We are simply the results of the things that we do, day in and day out. Are ALL the things we do helpful? Probably not, but chances are a lot of our habits keep us clean, safe, organized and on the right side of the law. Healthy habits are [...]

You Are The Kind of Person who has Healthy Habits!2022-06-29T16:22:09-07:00

Fad diets please exit stage left


What you should eat... The cycle of fad diets is never ending, with new twists or variations on the same eating plan released on what feels like a never ending basis. Why is this? If someone has figured out the one diet for all people, we should all know what it is and be using it, right? Unfortunately the weight loss industry is worth $72 billion dollars in the US alone and is projected to continue growing in the future (1). The focus is often on the next new and shiny diet product or food trend instead of encouraging optimal [...]

Fad diets please exit stage left2020-09-30T05:46:42-07:00

Sleep like your immune system depends on it!


Sleep like your immune system depends on it! (Because it does) Sleeping well is synonymous with good health, and I think we all know how awful it feels when we are sleep deprived!  Did you know there is a two way communication link between sleep and the immune system?  When we are sick, our immune system affects sleep in order to force us to rest. When we experience poor sleep or sleep deprivation, it affects our immune system’s ability to function well. What happens during sleep And while we may seem inactive during sleep, our brain and body are highly [...]

Sleep like your immune system depends on it!2020-09-30T05:47:47-07:00

Don’t stress out your immune system!


Don't stress out your immune system! Now more than ever, stress is a factor for most of us. Dare I say it’s affecting ALL of us. Whether you click every article about current events or ignore the bulk of media, it’s likely that you feel it. A chronic, heavy, almost unnameable tension that exists. There is an invisible enemy and the information about it is complicated and ever changing.  What we are experiencing now is called chronic stress. Perhaps your life had stressful times in the past, or you lived in a different form of chronic stress from daily life, [...]

Don’t stress out your immune system!2020-09-30T05:50:18-07:00

Get moving for your immune health!


Get moving to support your immune health! Exercise. It’s often considered a chore and if it could be responsibility sold in a bottle I’m sure many would buy it. But exercise is so much more than the drudgery that may be attached to the word. In fact, there are many people that would describe exercise as a “joy” and have found much pleasure in exercising. And truthfully, I dislike the word exercise - the word movement seems more appropriate, fitting and inclusive. Moving our bodies IS exercise, and how we choose to move our bodies can be as unique as [...]

Get moving for your immune health!2020-09-30T05:51:39-07:00

Does food affect immune health?


Does food affect immune health? Food truly does matter! And let me preface this by saying it is an absolute privilege to be able to choose the foods we eat, to have the ability to access many healthy foods (most of the time!) and experience the variety available. If you have the ability to make choices about what you eat, you are among the wealthy in this world. Ready to dive into food and immune health? While research studies on individual nutrients, like Vitamin C, E and Zinc, may not agree on whether high doses of these nutrients really benefit [...]

Does food affect immune health?2020-09-30T05:53:05-07:00

Why Immune Support Matters Now More Than Ever


Why Immune Support Matters Now More Than Ever As we find ourselves in the middle of the current pandemic, there is a lot of focus on waiting for a pharmaceutical solution. But what is lacking in the media messages, is the empowering information needed to make changes that support our health now, providing us with the best chance to withstand an infection if it happens. I’m talking about our immune health.  Our immune system is our defence system - a network of organs, tissues and cells that work together in protecting our body from invaders including bacteria and viruses. By [...]

Why Immune Support Matters Now More Than Ever2020-09-30T05:55:18-07:00

Why hydration is your best friend


Why hydration is your best friend When you think about your health, does your water intake top your list? Perhaps it should! Drinking water is so key to our overall health and has been preached as a solution to many ills. It is absolutely true that our body (including our brain!) needs water to function properly -  a water loss of just 1-2% of our body weight begins affecting our attention and short term memory (4)! Talking about water may not seem as exciting as the newest miracle superfood or a breakthrough nutritional therapy, but it is still required to [...]

Why hydration is your best friend2020-09-30T05:38:05-07:00

Why the word ‘diet’ doesn’t mean what you think it does


A temporary measure, a means to an end. Nope, that's not a diet. Have you ever been "on a diet"? A plan? Actually, we are all experiencing a diet right now, no matter what you eat - or don't eat. The word itself came into use in the 13th century and according to Merriam Webster, it meant "habitually taken food and drink" and in the Middle and early modern English periods it referred to a "way of living". And if you google the Merriam-Webster definition of diet you will find that the first two meanings for the word diet include: [...]

Why the word ‘diet’ doesn’t mean what you think it does2020-07-02T12:46:26-07:00
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